1967-68-69-70 2008 Reunion
1967-68-69-70 2008 Reunion
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Susan Grigas Wahab poses while Mike McKay prepares to take David Hartman's picture
Lots of good music to dance to
Memorabilia fills a table
Chris Moy looks on as Danny Baker and Lonnie Soles remember good times
The band played great music to dance to
John Stone can't believe he won a door prize!
Bill and Phil Smith are finally relaxing
Susan Grigas Wahab, Barbara Bailey Smith, Judy Poynter, Patty Selley King, Jane Parrot and Lee Anne Bowers Szwydek all want a copy of this photo
Barbara Bailey Smith and Judy Poynter couldn't resist posing
Donna and Tommy Collins call a lucky door prize recipient
Photos received from David Hartman. These photos were taken Friday and Saturday night. Looks like everyone had a great time!
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The band played great music to dance to
Saturday Night Event