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Mavis DANIELS Tompkins' Newsletter
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Flash From Class Of 1952 October 30, 2003 Flash #84 Updates on Come Home To Cradock - October 16th, 17th & 18 Frank DuPriest - update: "What a fun time it was !! I ran into Russell Boughnou at the Friday night party. Russ was visiting from Dallas. He seemed so glad to see someone from the Class of ’52." (Other classmates he ran into were: Shirley Harlow, Bob & Carol Melvin.) "There was a parade, barbecue, lots of music, & the dedication of the Pavers - Bricks with inscriptions in memory or honoring friends & family - all located around the "gazebo" in Afton Square. Afton Square is much in need of restoration. There are signs of some homes in the area being renovated." Kathryn McGEE Hudson - update: "This past weekend in Cradock was very nice. My brother, Harold (‘55) & his wife Gayle came up from Alabama to Knoxville & we drove to our sons home in Greenville, NC. We drove to Cradock Saturday morning. After registering we walked around Afton Square reminiscing about what businesses were in the buildings during the '40’s and '50’s. Later, we had lunch & waited for the parade. I saw Shirley Harlow. I couldn't find any other '52 grads. The parade was small but nice. The weather was sunny but a little windy. After the parade we spent some time riding around Cradock - talking about who lived where & the good times we had growing up in Cradock - such a nice place. Our home had been rebuilt. It didn't look like the house were we grew up. It was a fun afternoon. We attended the dinner Saturday evening. The food was good & everyone there seemed to be enjoying themselves. Chatted with several old friends & acquaintances. It was a great day to reminisce & of course, I have started looking through my old annuals & doing a lot more remembering." Bob & Carol Melvin - update: "Carol & I went down to the "Come Back to Cradock" weekend & enjoyed it very much. There were not many '52 grads that we encountered. Frank DuPriest & Phillip Cannela were the only two I recall. But it was good to see other "grads" from other years - Fred Zerkle & Joe Hanbury & many others really made the day interesting." "They unveiled the paver blocks. We were eager to see them because we placed four. One in memory of my Mother & father, one each in memory of my two brothers & one in honor of Carol. The bricks are located near the gazebo." "Classic cars were on display & of interest." " A parade began at the high school on Geo. Washington Hgwy. It made it way down Afton parkway - around Afton Square & back to the school. One of the cars in the parade included Mr. Jesse Overton having just celebrated his 100th birthday." "There were lots of pictures on display reflecting many of the graduating classes as far back as 1932. There were no pictures of "52 graduates. There was a picture of Mickey Riggs & Margaret with one of their children. This was an earlier picture. The pictures were interesting, especially for those of us born & raised in Cradock & having older siblings in earlier classes." "Oh, by the way, there was a paver brick placed "Class of 1952." (This paver (brick) was donated by Loren & me in honor of our Cradock High School - Class of 1952) "The only unpleasant experience was to drive around Cradock & note how the property has "gone down" with mattresses, washing machines, refrigerators in some front yards. Many of the houses had "No Trespassing" signs along with notices that the particular homes had security systems installed. I regret being negative, but the conditions of some property was depressing." "The Afton Theater was boarded up & several of the stores were likewise." "However, some property owners obviously have taken pride in their homes & many have been restored & look very, very nice." "The hurricane took its toll. Many trees were still on the ground, but many others had been removed with only the stumps remaining. Many of these were very large trees." "I congratulate those who are trying to restore Cradock, but the task is quite challenging." "We drove up & down the streets & every corner brought back precious memories. Although the old Cradock High School is gone - the location still serves to remind one of the "good old days." "We parked for a moment & the scenes from yesterday flooded through our minds. People, places, events, although years have gone by, surfaced again & again in our hearts." "The weather was beautiful - hundreds upon hundreds of people were present - talk of "old times" prevailed - friendships from yesterday were rekindled - ghosts from the past were readily noticed." "There are very interesting & informative plaques circling the gazebo that should be read by every visitor. They were quite intriguing to read." "After singing the National Anthem & the Cradock High School song, we had to leave & return to Fredericksburg in time for Sunday services at our church." "I would not have missed the occasion. It was much like our reunions - greeting & talking with dear old friends. I love old people!." "By the way - what about giving consideration to our next '52 reunion coinciding with the "Come Back to Cradock" observance since I understand they do that every year??" "Just some thoughts & observations - I hope others will follow." Frank, Kathryn & Bob: Thank you so very much for these updates on this SUPER WEEKEND. I have quoted each of you - word for word - for I could never describe this event as well as each of you have. This will surely be enjoyed by ALL………… Flash from Barbara NEWMAN Coffman & Ben Brown Barbara E-mailed that she was glad we had arrived in Florida & glad to see I was back on the job again. She & Ben are looking forward to receiving more FLASHES. Their exciting summer has come & gone to fast & they are waiting for next summer. Good to see Barbara & Ben have had a good summer. Flash from Mary HUFF Wright ('53) Mary's class of 1952 had their 50th Reunion the same weekend as the Come Home To Cradock. Mary sent me an E-mail telling me how enjoyable this Reunion was for everybody. They had a good attendance. Mary remarked at how nice it was to see so many classmates & do a lot of "do you remember" and how very little the ladies & men had changed. Mary did see some of classmates from our class (1952). At the Saturday night banquet they honored all their deceased with photographs of each one & read something about them. Mary commented on how nice this was BUT very sad. Mary said there was a lot of crying and a lot of laughter. Thank you Mary for sending us this wonderful update. I am still on a "high" from ours last year !!! Update from Camp Woe Be Gone We have had some excitement since arriving Thursday (10/16/03) in our "nesting" place - Siesta Bay RV Resort, Ft. Myers. Sunday morning around 1:30 a.m., our power went off - no AIR - NOTHING !!! Do not know if you all are familiar with campground rules but the FIRST BIG ONE IS: No noise after 9:00 P.M., strictly enforced. By 2:00 p.m., Loren said he was just going to HAVE to turn on the generator. UH, OH - Loren broke the LAW !!!!! At 8:00 sharp, Loren called the proper officials from the Park to come & check on our electricity. In an hour we had the Park officials and one Florida Power & Light Co. truck. Thirty (30) minutes later we had 2 more Florida Power & Light Co. trucks arrive. This caused much excitement & curiosity for everyone in the Park- which comes from all of us Old Folks not having anything important to do early in the mornings on Sunday & they surely wanted to be in on our EVICTION for breaking the most holy rule - NO NOISE AFTER 9:00 P.M. !!!! If the Tompkins had been evicted this would have been a good topic of conversation for days !! By 12:00 noon, we were asked to move from Site # 395 to Site # 461 which we did. For the rest of the day numerous residents filed by our old site - walking around to look at all the little orange & red flags & when they found our RV parked right in back (on next road) they left looking satisfied. Guess they all know what these little orange & red flags mean for not one person came to our door to receive an explanation. S o o o o o, we are all "nested in" once again on a different street but in same Park. This kind of excitement I can live without!! So far we have NOT BEEN EVICTED. We take it that no one reported this SINFUL DEED or maybe they did not hear the generator?? Please remember to pray for the people and Fire Fighters during these fires in California. Our prayers are gently needed during the terrible time. Until another time, Mavis DANIELS Tompkins Class of 1952
Last night, I received a E-Mail from Bob Melvin informing of Billy Barns passing away sometime in the month of June. Bob had no details. Please keep Billy's family in your thoughts and prayers.
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