David L. Dorson
Class of 1964
The Virginian-Pilot, (Norfolk, VA) - August 9, 1996
David L. Dorson died Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1996. He was the husband of Vicki Zlater Dorson and the father of Heather N. Dorson.
He was born Jan. 17, 1945, in Portsmouth, and completed St. Paul's Elementary School and Cradock High School here. He was the son of William R. and Kathryn F. Dorson, Suffolk; the brother of the Rev. James E. Dorson, Virginia Beach, William T. Dorson, Chesapeake, Mary K. Hunt, Norfolk, Karen M. Jones, Chesapeake, and nieces and nephews, all of whom survive him in this life. He was a big man in spirit and in fact.
Burial is in Grand View Memorial Park, Annville, Pa. Sturtevant Funeral Home, Portsmouth Blvd. Chapel, provided information.