Sandra Carneal-Barham
Class of 1961
The Virginian-Pilot , Tuesday, January, 5, 1988
Chesapeake - Sandra Carneal Barham, of the 200 block of Poplar Hill Road, an administrative assistant, died Jan. 3, 1988, in a hospital. She was 44.
A native of Newport News, Mrs. Barham was employed as a data processing staff assistant for The Virginian-Pilot and The Ledger-Star in 1986. Jan Reiter, data processing manager for the newspaper, praised Mrs. Barham as "an outstanding employee. We just really miss her, Reiter said.
Mrs. Barham was a 1961 graduate of Cradock High School. After graduating, she went to work for Be-lo Food Stores and later Sears Roebuck and Co. until 1965. Mrs. Barham did community service work for 10 years and was an active church leader at Church of the Resurrection in Portsmouth, where she coordinated adult and youth activities, served on the church council and was a lay minister. She also represented the church on the Churchland Interfaith Council.
Mrs. Barham was active in the Parent Teacher Organization in Portsmouth public schools and worked as a volunteer for the American Cancer Society. She was a member and officer of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority and helped raise funds for Portsmouth General Hospital, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and other local groups.
Survivors include her parents, Maurice Carneal and Pauline Wade Carneal of Chesapeake; a daughter, Kelly Barham of Chesapeake; two sons, Paul Barham and Michael Barham, both of Chesapeake; and a sister, Janis Brown of Poquoson.
The funeral will be conducted at 1 p.m. Wednesday in Church of the Resurrection by Fathers Brian J. Yanofchick and Thomas J. Caroluzza. Burial will be in Greenlawn Memorial Gardens. The family will be at Snellings Home, Churchland Chapel, from 7 to 9 p.m. today. |