Cradock Alumni & Friends

Come Home to Cradock Committee holds its first planning
meeting for the
October 20, 2012 (third Saturday in Oct). celebration.

Notes from Come Home to Cradock meeting:

April 23, 2012

First Come Home to Cradock committee meeting for 2012 was held April 23, 2012 at the Sheriff's training center. In attendance was Sheriff Watson, Bev Sell, Pauline Sitterson, Mike Turner, Joyce Howe, Mickey Evans, Cindy Cook and guest, Fred Schoenfeld.

Thank you, Bev Sell, for the wonderful gifts of local grown strawberries to all attendees.

Thank you, Cindy Cook, for refreshments of chocolate covered strawberries, chocolate cupcakes and bottled water.

Attached is the agenda for the meeting.

We reviewed the 2011 event and felt that all went well and nothing needed discussing.

Pauline Sitterson provided a starting inventory for this year. She also brought along wearables to be modeled, then photographed for online posting. It was suggested that we offer sweatshirts with the large logo on the back and the word "Admirals" down the sleeve exactly as we have long sleeve shirts. It was also suggested to have tank tops available this year.

We talked about the high school demolition anticipated date...seems it may be just a few weeks from now. Pauline will get the date and post to FB. Sheriff Watson has been promised the flag pole for renovation.

We discussed Parade Grand Marshal nominations. It was decided to ask everyone to submit their nominee for voting at the next meeting, May 21. Please email your recommendation to Cindy Cook.

Fred Schoenfeld from the Commodore arrived and spoke at length about the work completed by the Sheriff's inmates at the Afton Theater Fred has formed an LLC corporation and is now seeking funds to apply for non-profit status. Funds that were available have been spend on architectural plans, supplies, and other legal fees. We all talked about fund raising and means for grants and charitable giving.

Discussions also evolved about the use of the Afton Theater after all work is completed and how it should lead to the rebirth of the Cradock square for business and living - mixed use of buildings.

Fred is looking to form an Afton Theatre Board of Directors for managing and fund raising on this community project. He invited all interested people to contact him at 757-544-1379.

Due to extended discussion of the Afton Theater, the balance of the agenda was tabled until the next meeting.

Next meeting: Monday, May 12, 2012 - 7 pm, Sheriff's Training Center.